(Serious) Help me be less fat?

So I am overweight. Very much so and I need to lose weight. I don't look as overweight as I am, most the fat is probably around my organs and heart. My mother is really worried for me blah blah. I already have a workout plan that I have been doing (Running and swimming on alternating days with weight lifting on running days as well ans some insanity work outs sprinkled in)

The Holidays are here. But I need help as far as eating. Generally I have been eatling lots of soup, crackers, noodles, salad... but now I need to eat less. I am getting off of a med that retains weight and makes it that much harder to lose it so what can I eat?

Like fruit, but how much?
I don't want to starve myself exactly, but kind of just go cold turkey and barely eat just not sure what will help me avoice dizziness and such.
(Serious) Help me be less fat?

The picture is me now.
Thanks in advance! (I just don't want to die young)

(Serious) Help me be less fat?
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