Is my navel piercing rejecting? Or is it still infected?


Is my navel piercing  rejecting? Or is it still infected?

So I've had my piercing for 6 months now. Here's how things started out.
It was pierced a few weeks after I had light redness on the left side of the peircing which eventually moved to the right.
I cleaned my piercing twice or three times a day using sea salt soaks for about 4 months.
The redness did not go away and eventually darkened. It looked like a bruise the bottom hole was somewhat the same but no where as much. Eventually the redness reaches out a bit more. And during a particular activity my piercing was tugged and suffered a small rip. It did bleed.
Before this my peircing had flaky ness. And where the flakes were, that is where that darker redness started. (Could this redness-which has lighted but still there. Be scaring from the flaky skin? I would peal it sometimes)
Anyway I went to see a piercer when it slightly ripped. She told me my jewlery was to long (I was originally peirced with a standard bar with white diamond) she changed it to this plastic blue one. Saying it could be a allergic reaction.
Other then that. From the photo it shows that my piercING docks.
It is not crooked and for those who don't know docking happened to most bags with aren't completely flat. This is where the bar turns. It gives the appiernece of being crooked.
Anyway the skin has not shrunk in months. Secondly she gave me a new routine which was to wash it with soap, spray with h2o solution. And then add neosporan (this was to heal the tear) she said I had a small infection or bad allergy
When she changed the bar it didn't hurt, it also looked better being on a shorter bar, the redness went down, also the flaky skin stopped.
However she said to come back in a month. Only the bottom hole has gotten better.
The rest is still red. And recently the redness has moved to the bottom of the top hole.
I can't see my peirced till Friday 2 days from now. And I am worried.
However I tugged my peircing in my sleep.
And I'm not sure if the redness if from that, from growing infection or from rejection which is my biggest fear
Is my navel piercing rejecting? Or is it still infected?

She said it was not rejecting when I saw her a month ago my peircing does not hurt and you can't see the bar through the skin but it is red.
Anyone else's looks like this? I won't take it out till I see my peirced but I want some in sit now
Is my navel piercing rejecting? Or is it still infected?
1 Opinion