Out of touch with my own generation makes for no love life?

I don't have any ambitions to go out and drink or smoke

I have gone to clubs a few times and found them boring. It felt like the same 5 people constantly trying to impress another same 5 people.

I don't care for hardly any music that has come out the last 5 year.

I don't use sites like Facebook or twitter to let everyone know what I'm doing constantly.

I don’t watch popular TV shows people my age watch.

I don’t buy designer cloths

I don’t use slang terms like dog, foo, or most the others that are around today

I am happy with how I live. I like my job, I like my parents, I even like my old car that gets 15 miles a gallon. I like talking to people, and I like sports. A lot of people my age think I'm boring and they don’t like to invite me on adventures. I have accepted this but the one thing I always want is a girl friend. I know this all sounds very unappealing to women and trust me I know because a lot of them don’t even give me the time of day. The problem is I am happy with how I live and act accept for the no girl friend part really gets to me. I don’t want to change or put on a show for people to accept me or get a girl friend but what is happening know doesn’t work.

Any opinions, ideas or advice?
Out of touch with my own generation makes for no love life?
6 Opinion