I think I'm getting depressed again. How to handle this? Is it normal?

So I'm about three months in anti-depressants, and I was really doing well. I had started to go out more, want to sleep less and generally pay attention to the world around me. But now, I kind of went through a rejection, I'm trying to lose weight, and I feel like along with constantly being hungry and trying to sleep the hunger away, I kind of go back to that dark place. Even when I'm out with friends I realise I'm starting to be in my own meaningless world. It's pretty sad. I was doing really well. But now I tend to sleep a lot, or at least I want to sleep more. I like sleep at 21:00., wake up at 11:00 and I sleep againg at like 16:00 untill 18:00. I'm lazy to go to the gym, I feel like I really don't want to see anyone, or do anything. Is this normal? I mean is it that when you take depression pills at the start you do better and after a while not so much and then well again? Is it something like a cyrcle? Or are you supposed to always feel better than before?
I think I'm getting depressed again. How to handle this? Is it normal?
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