Has anyone been successful with appetite suppressants or weight loss pills? Suggestions?

Because I'm prediabetic, I want to lose weight. I've always been a fat girl and I've made peace with it and I'm quite comfortable and happy with the way I look. But health is health, the test results are what they are, and I'm prediabetic. My mother has more frightening case than I do (although she is only 6 pounds overweight and fighting with the difficulty of losing that) and she experiences a lot of painful and exhausting symptoms that her doctor believes are related to blood sugar. I don't want this, and I definitely don't want full blown diabetes.

Long story short, I love to eat, and I have a very big appetite. I see some of my thin girl friends who get full after 1/4 to 1/2 the portions of the same dishes, and I'm in awe and envy. I wish I were programmed like that. I can easily finish the dish and be fine, and probably eat more for dessert. This is a problem. Way back in high school, I lost 40 lbs when my parents put me on an appetite suppressant pill. When I stopped taking the pill, my appetite came back and I gained the weight back and then some. I could do the same pill, but it's quite expensive and I need to find the information about it again.

Do you guys have suggestions for effective appetite suppressants?
Has anyone been successful with appetite suppressants or weight loss pills? Suggestions?
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