I want to weight yet I don't want to lose weight?

i know my question sounds confusing to people on g@g but recently i've "looked" at my body fully, especially when i'm naked, and i don't like it. during the summer of my 8th grade year, i ran, jogged, did push ups, did crazy hard exercise videos, and just dance, cut off all the sweets that i would usually eat but i also felt so numb and aggravated but the weight was falling off. i stopped working out, due to a number of issues i went through with my family (car trouble, depression, a boy i fell so hard for had died). it's been two years now and i've reverted back to ice cream, 5 or 4 cups of soda (when i do have some), eating cake, lots of bread and fried foods. i asked my mom how my body looked and she told me i gained some weight around the shoulders and the back. how do i put it in the most clearest way? i do but i don't want to lose weight. i'm comfortable, yet i'm uncomfortable. i'm tired of running up and down the stairs and running out of breath, feeling "fat" all the time, feeling ugly and fat, tired of tugging and pulling on clothes to hide my back fat and stomach, tired of sucking in my stomach to clothes my jeans, i'm tired of looking at cute clothes with size 8's and 9's when i'm on the cusp of 15's, 14's, 13's and sometimes 16's. how can i stay persistent? i try finding fun ways, but i just fall off. i fear my want isn't strong enough... i want to feel better, look better, but i just can't push myself hard enough. one of my doctors asked me if i wanted to lose weight and i said no (was a long times ago), so he told me to lose it when i'm ready. i'm not what some would call "huge", i don't look huge, i'm chubby, but i could stand to lose a few pounds. any advice?
I want to weight yet I don't want to lose weight?
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