I'm emotionally unstable?

So it all started when our math teacher got surgery and needs to rest at home. We got another, that is really bad and we can't do anything. Since then my grades are bad. Not only math, but all my grades. I cry almost every day on one level or another. I get tears in my eyes for stupidest things. I sleep so bad, I don't see any future for myself bc I'll just end up at the same university like everybody else if I don't got good grades bc I won't be able to get to my dream university in England and if that happens I don't need to live anymore tbh. Bc I will end up like everybody else. I gained weight, I feel like shit. I feel so powerless. I don't know what to do. When me and my friend are in math class I tell him I'm not okay and emotionally unstable while we laugh. And all I do is laugh it away... I don't know if that's okay. I don't know what to do. I feel like I would be better off dead. But I know things get better. But that doesn't mean will be happy with my life. I don't know what to do.
I'm emotionally unstable?
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