Help!! My eyebrows and eyelashes are falling out, what could this be?

Some days i wake up and find my pillow has either 2-3 eyebrow and lash hair. I don't find eyebrow and lash hair every single day but it happens most days. One day i checked my pillow and counted up to 7-10 eyebrow and eyelash hair. While i was looking in the mirro i noticed that i had a patch of eyebrow hair loss on the front of my brows, its so depressing. My eyelashes don't look as great because of the loss. I wear mascara almost daily and it clumps and stick together. When i go to take my mascara off , i find 2-3 eyelash hairs on my makeup remover wipe. the weird thing is my sister told me she has the exact same problem. I've been very very veryy stressed lately and so has she. Could that be the problem or is this serious enough to see a doctor. My symptoms apart from the hair loss is fatigue, headache, stress and discolored skin. I have lighter patches of skin on my thighs.
Help!! My eyebrows and eyelashes are falling out, what could this be?
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