Is this a healthy diet?

Lately I've been considering trying out a vegetarian, no carb, low sugar diet.

Everyday I'll drink 5 pints of skim milk (800 calories and 75 grams of protein) and a cup of Nature Valley protein granola (400 calories and 20 grams of protein) every day for a source of protein. The rest of my 400-800 calories will be made up of mixed vegetables (whatever I feel like eating that day). Every now and then I might treat myself with some rice or a fruit.

I'm done building muscle for the winter, and I'm more or less satisfied with my muscle mass. So would this diet be enough to at least maintain my muscle mass and lead a healthy life?
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
Body Fat Percentage = about 10%
Height = 5'6
Weight = 130 lbs
Workout Routine = 1hr + of running and 500 situps per day, with 3 weight lifting sessions per week (curls, hammer curls, deadlifts, and bench press).
Goal = Burn fat while maintaining muscle mass

Is this a healthy diet?
3 Opinion