Girls, Visanne (dienogest) tablets for Endometriosis /congested pelvic syndrome, can anyone relate?


it's been 3 years and I have finally gotten into seeing a specialist for endo / pelvic congestion syndrom. I've been through 4 ultrasounds, a CT scan that displayed terrible congestion, vericose veins, and inflammation of the tissues. I have been to 4 different doctors, as well as the ER multiple times due to the painful episodes (that get so bad I nearly pass out from the pain) so I would like to ask if any other female out there has been given the option of Visanne?
How did it work for you?

I've tried 4 different birth control meds and none of them lessened the pain, or the heavy bleeding I experience each month. My periods are irregular, that is why I went onto the BC pills but I am concerned starting this visanne will off set them and cause them to be irregular again. Do you have a period on Visanne?

If anyone would like to leave some info or tell me about their experience, I'd be very thankful and happy to hear it.
Thanks so much.
Girls, Visanne (dienogest) tablets for Endometriosis /congested pelvic syndrome, can anyone relate?
1 Opinion