Any good ways to get over depression?

I'm not feeling good about myself anymore. I'm not suicidal or anything, but so many people in my life seem to be going places and I'm not. My sister just announced she and her husband are having a baby, my friend is getting engaged by the end of the year and just got a job promotion, another friend is having a baby with his wife, another friend is getting married next year, and I have a couple more friends with new jobs. But I can't even leave the house because of the anxiety caused by a mental disorder unless I take a cocktail of medication.

I don't know, I just feel useless and like a waste of good resources. I'm not making money, I may not be able to return to my job, and single in my mid twenties with no prospects. I want something that goes right for me and at this point, I don't particularly care what it is. A job, an apartment, a boyfriend I don't give a shit what it is. But right now I just feel completely useless. I don't even enjoy my hobbies anymore because they're just hobbies. I'm good at them, but they don't get me anywhere.

I haven't been bothered like this in months, but I think the holidays are making me feel down. I've never been good at fighting depression so I was wondering how some of you do it.
Any good ways to get over depression?
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