Are fat people stronger (fitter) than skinny people?

This idea came to my head when I saw some girls exercising. Skinny girls could easily do "girl" pull-ups, push-ups and situps. While a fat girl couldn't do these exercises. I then thought that it was harder for the fat girl to do this because she is much heavier. If they lifted some barbells or dumbbells, the fat girl might have shows better results. Or if they wrestled the fat girl could just squash them with her weight.

The same can be said about fat guys. If a fat guy can't do push-ups or pull-ups, is he really weaker than me? Maybe he is better in exercises that don't involve body weight. If we wrestled he would just crush me with his weight and I won't be able to do anything.

So are fat people in fact fitter and stronger than skinny people?
Fat people are stronger and fitter.
Skinny people are stronger and fitter.
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Are fat people stronger (fitter) than skinny people?
9 Opinion