Why do guys skip legs day at the gym? girls how much do you care about chicken legs or toned ones? what about mine?


So, I just found out that most guys at the gym are embarrassed by their legs that they don't dare to wear shorts to the gym !!!
Usually , I don't notice much, but I once bumped into my friend and I was like dude why the pants it is too hot in here, he said I can't show my legs !!
So guys why do you skip legs day when it is so important?
And girls would that be a turn off even it the guys looked like this:
Yup this one !
Yup this one !
As for me , I think I am far away from that , I am still not nearly where is my goal set, and would never skip legs day , I love it and it is one of the strongest muscles I have, give your opinion please:
Those pants used to be tight , I got toned well
Those pants used to be tight , I got toned well

Don't look too much at the butt please
Don't look too much at the butt please
Why do guys skip legs day at the gym? girls how much do you care about chicken legs or toned ones? what about mine?
40 Opinion