My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?

My bmi is 22.5 i weigh 119 pounds and i am 5’1 but my goal is to weigh from 100-110 pounds. I am aware that i have zero muscle what so ever lol. And My parents and family tell me that i am already skinny but i never believe them and i’m still trying. What do you think should i lose weight? If you want to could you tell me how much?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
Listen to them
Lose weight
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My parents told me that I do not need to lose any weight but I want to, should I listen to them or should I lose weight?
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