I've been reading all over the MSM that dad bods are the most attractive, should I start eating junk food and watching (not playing) sports again?

First option is me before I stopped watching sportsball and other TV programming. Second option is me now, I play tennis, football (European version), go to the gym once a week and read books for leisure instead. Did I make a huge mistake? I don't understand why the media would lie to us about this, but I have been getting much more attention from females now then I did previously so I'm not sure what to think anymore. Help!
Yes! The Media is correct! Watch more TV! Eat McDonalds! Sportsball is life! Buy Nike for casual wear! Capernack is Hero!
No! They are Fake News! Misanthropic small hatted Oligarchs who want you to be weak and soft!
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+1 y
It's really surprisingly easy to get fit if you just a do a few simple things. Fast food less than 3 times a month, Prepare your own fresh foods instead (healthier and better tasting, just a little bit of extra work), and go to the gym one a week. You don't need to eat boiled chicken and spend a bunch of time exercising. I went to the gym once a week and learned to cook and only 6 months of this took me from A to B. It's much easier than you might have been led to believe, a couple hours a week.
+1 y
Still eat ice cream almost every night too as it's my fav desert. I have more vitality and feel happier in general now. Hormonal changes occur in the brain when you get down to a healthy weight that make you feel better. It doesn't take much effort and the benefits are well worth what little work is required.

I think corporations want people to be overweight so they will compensate for their lethargy and malaise by consuming more product. Don't fall for it.
I've been reading all over the MSM that dad bods are the most attractive, should I start eating junk food and watching (not playing) sports again?
5 Opinion