If calorie deficit is the way to go to loose weight then you can eat everything?

If calorie deficit is the way to go to loose weight then you can eat everything?
There are scientific proof that calorie deficit is the best way to loose weight, am I right? Many trainers think so and nutritionists as well. So if tha is the way to go then you can't eat anything you want and do not get rid any type of food that may be considered bad nutritiotionally (sugar carbs, junk food) as long as you maintain yourself in a calorie deficit and still loose weight?

I was watching a video the other day about a gym trainer a woman and she was just pointing an example and said that even a person can gain weight eating chicker or what they consider healthy food or too much protein (healthy food, some fruits as well cuase they contain sugar) and you can even loose weight eating donuts. or junk food (unhealthy food) as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

So how a person knows what to eat i or how much to eat f you receive or read different type of information from different sources where some say, get rid of the carbs is bad for you, other studies says carbs are not the enemy, fat is the enemy stay away of it, fat is good (Cetogenic diet) or sugar in small amoutn is not bad, or if you are in a calorie deficit you can eat sugar and carbs or everything and it won't be harmful, others do not count calories either and they say is also good, as long as you eat balanced or others say read food labels and you can take it from there for your personal respective calorie intake, regardless of the type of food it is) some people dont understand how to read labels, they just go to a market buy the food and period believing that what they buy is heathy or nutritious for common sense, and not have time to read the labels of everything they buy and count calories (it is like a mathematic operation, LOL!!) before deciding iwhat to buy, imagine the hassle if the person
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buying lots and lots of groceries, reading throughly ingredients of each item they buy such , sugar, salt, fat fiber, contents to decide if that food is good or bad before deciding to buy or not well that trip tot he supermarket may take
hours (including me I always confuse how to read labels). ALso imagine to start counting calories of all the products before buying the stuff.

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So there are many factors that comes into mind to loose weight, be lean and fiit and keeping it off but what is the correct that suits. Im aware that what works for one person may not work for another one that im certain as each person is different but there must be a standard guideline to follow. Also with many different things out there that tell the person how to loose weight and gain muscle, many things confuse people.
If calorie deficit is the way to go to loose weight then you can eat everything?
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