Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?


Yes everyone is entitled to do whatever they want with their bodies!!! but why is it that when you comment or tell someone who is overweight or obese that they should find healthy ways to lose weight so they can be healthier result in you getting so much hate? Also if you do lose weight/get fitter or you promote health and fitness then you end up getting hate for that as well why is that?

Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?


Yes it's rude to go up to people and say lose weight be healthy BUT If they come up to you or post a picture or a video where they ask you hey am I fat?, or hey how can I improve my appearance? and you answer honestly and say lose some weight and you suggest healthy nutritious weight loss diets and exercises they hate on you!. its like a lot of people are health/fitness shaming!.

Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?

I also am against the unhealthy toxic weight loss tips and trends that are circulating that encourage people to lose weight by eating tiny amounts of food and by exercising wayyy more then they need to! even the ones that are basically making women and men bulimic and anorexic, I dislike those ones too!.

Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?

But the ones that promote healthy beneficial nutritious weight loss tips and tricks I think those ones are helpful and much appreciated so I don't get all the hate they receive for simply encouraging health and fitness...

Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?
Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?
Why do some or most people like health/fitness shaming?
54 Opinion