I am wondering what he wants me to do?

I have liked this guy for a while now, I work with him so it makes it difficult to approach him about the possibility of dating. He is also a few years older than me, I'm just over 30 and he is almost 40, its a bit intimidating to ask him out.

He is very nice, polite and respectful to me which is uncommon in a factory such as ours. He is considerate of me in out-of-work gatherings (buys me coffee or drinks, holds doors), he includes me in conversations by asking my opinions on whatever subject he happens to be discussing. He says hello and goodnight to me every day without fail (always, always speaks my name). He smiles when he sees me or is talking to me and looks me in the eyes (he can be very focused and intense), he almost always speaks softly to me. Recently at a social gathering he crossed the boundaries of physical contact, he would hug me or touch me when talking to me, if we accidentally came in contact with each other he did not move away. He simply treats me a little bit different than the other people we work with, guys and girls both. There are many other behavior s I've witnessed but I'm not going to list them all, feel free to ask for additional details if you like.

I am 99% sure he is aware of my interest in him, some of our mutual friends know because I told them, I figured that way he could know without me telling him directly and possibly making him uncomfortable. He has been single a long time and so have I, we are both very picky about dating, I have been taking things very slowly to avoid any confrontations or drama (not so good for the workplace!). I have learned from our mutual friends that he has had co-workers pursue him before and he would gently discourage them if he wasn't interested. I don't see discouragement but no obvious encouragement either, I know he is very much against dating co-workers but our comfort level around each other is increasing all on its own. He seems to be letting me take the lead but I'm not sure how long I should wait before bringing this subject up, I don't want to try to push him into something he is uncomfortable with but I don't want this waiting to go on forever, he seems to be waiting for me to make a decision.

I really like this guy, we are well-suited for each other, I have taken things slowly to learn more about him and allow him to get to know me but its now been over a year and I'm thinking the time has come to bring it out. How should I approach this? Should I just straight-up ask him? Should I wait and see if he asks me? Or should I bring it up for discussion if/when I get a chance at our next work-friends party?

I know co-worker romances are not recommended, but I've accomplished it before, it just takes a bit of patience, we could work something out...and we won't be co-workers forever I'm sure!
I am wondering what he wants me to do?
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