Why won't health myths die?

Over and over on this site, I come across myths that should have died a long time ago..


+eat more to lose weight, cause you're in "starvation mode"

+eat more frequently / more meals cause it speeds up metabolism

+you need to do high rep ab exercises (crunches/situps/planks) for a six pack

+unlike other muscles your abs can be trained everyday because they recover faster than other muscles

+eating complex carbs helps you lose weight because they're less likely to be stored as fat

+workout before you eat because it'll burn more fat than if you ate first



I try to debunk these myths when I come across them.. but no matter how often I point them out, the myths still frequent this site. Why are these myths so predominant over the truth and how can one put an end to them for good?
Why won't health myths die?
12 Opinion