Is flaxseed worth it or should I switch to chia seeds or something else?

I ask because for the past year or so I've been obsessed with eating more omega 3 fatty acid rich foods. Aside from taking a fish oil supplement by Nature Made, I tend to eat salmon about 2x a week and I used to eat tuna everyday for breakfast(I hate it now) and I also eat sardines almost every day because I love them.

But, for the past few months or so I've been putting at least one tablespoon of ground flaxseed into my food like yogurt(which I eat almost daily) and oatmeal or whatever I can really add it to.

Is it worth it since flaxseed contains ALA's as opposed to DHA and EPA?

should I switch supplements or what advice can you give me?
Is flaxseed worth it or should I switch to chia seeds or something else?
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