Is this normal?

I live with my sister and her hubby any their two kids and we fight all the time about how they treat their oldest one.

Here is what they bitch about with her!

She doesn't shower on her own like she should (shes only 7)

She doesn't tell them when she needs her clothes washed

She doesn't brush her teeth without being told

She takes to long to eat dinner

There is a lot more that's just the main ones.

But get this! They shower like once a week. They even bitch at me because Ii "shower too much" I've never seen them brush their teeth unless they have to go to the dentist and at dinner they are always asking their daughter to go get this get that do this like ever 5 mins.

I tell them all the time if you have a certain way you want your kids to act and certain things you want them to do all the time with out having to be told. Then you have to show them that its something that has to be done. Kids live by example and they do what they see. Money see money do ya know. Just tell me if I'm wrong or right here.
Is this normal?
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