I really want to get in shape, but I have chronic pain and constant injury/dislocations/surgery, suggestions?

I have had a very difficult life with injury. I have had 6 reconstructions, 2 on each foot and 2 on my shoulder. I have dislocated my shoulders 5 times and in general have very poor joints and chronic pain. I was also recently diagnosed with EDS (a hyper mobility disorder, which leads to joints daily dislocating). Because of this, I am not in great shape, but one of my friends commented that she honestly expects me to be a lot bigger than I am due to what I've been through.

I really try to work out as much as possible. But literally Everytime I start really working out and going regularly I get injured again (normally unrelated to working out). Over the past two months I was working out every day, biking ten miles and lifting. Then last week I was in a car accident and dislocated my last remaining "good" shoulder. I am trying not to let that stop me from at least biking, because I'm not allowed to really do anything else because of all my problems. It seems like I take one step forward and two steps back every couple of months. And it's really demoralizing because I am not happy with my appearance. I have started eating better and I do feel better overall but I can't help but think what's the point? Because I'm just going to have another major injury again.

What would you guys suggest for people who have chronic injury but really want to get in shape but have limited options on how to do it. I really am driven, but it gets harder with each subsequent injury. Anyone have any suggestions?
I really want to get in shape, but I have chronic pain and constant injury/dislocations/surgery, suggestions?
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