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Videos: Health & Fitness

My Review on My Birth Control, Lyza

I started taking my birth control called, Lyza two weeks ago. I started birth control for a couple reasons. One, to balance my hormones. Right around when my period starts, my anxiety goes through the roof and I turn into...

Top 5 Reasons Why I Hate Exercise

Yeah, I'm fat, I'm a pig, hog, horse, hippo, fat ass, lazy whatever. I have heard it all so go ahead call me whatever you want. But this is the top 5 reasons I hate exercise! 1. S kinny bitches. Look I want to lose the...

HIIT Workouts... The Right Way

If you don't know what HIIT workouts are, HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It is a form of working out where you must give an all out 90-100% max effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed...

How I Lost Weight While Having Fun - In Only TWO Months !

I found out that Hooping is an amazing form of exercise for the entire body, it helps you burn calories to lose weight around your midsection (ESPECIALLY YOUR WAIST) and tone the muscles of your core for a slim and...

Why You Have Constant Sugar Cravings

If you find yourself always and forever craving sweets, you may already be on your way to developing Type II Diabetes. Americans in particular consume way too much sugar and it's affecting our health dramatically. The...

Your Guide to Actual Weight Loss

Many people struggle with weight loss. They may have started a program and aren't seeing any results and they can't seem to figure out why. There are no magic tricks, there are no 3 exercises you can do in 3 minutes, no...

5 Ways to Spot Health, Fitness, and Diet Scams

One of my friends recently posted on his FB page this article warning that there is only one proper way to prepare rice, and that is to let it soak overnight because if you don't, the lead in it will over time leach into...

Get Up and Dance!

I tend to get so bored with gym workouts all the time staring at the same walls, lifting the same weights, or running the same track or treadmill. It just doesn't inspire me to workout as much and you don't always have...

8 Ways to Get Peaceful Sleep

Not having enough sleep has negative effects on your sexual life, memory, health and look etc. You will even realize how bad your face looks when you don't get enough sleep. That's why you must have a good sleep for a...

Fun Workouts For Women

The core aspects of fitness are agility, flexibility, muscular and cardio endurance, balance, and reaction time. The following videos will help you tackle all of those skills in a fun and energizing way. I am well aware...

The Little Things That People Often Forget When Offering "Nutritional" Information Online

Many people on YouTube and GirlsAskGuys and probably others suggest that you should do this and that to live a "healthy" life, equating "healthy" with "good looks" and "lots of energy". Don't eat carbs. Do eat carbs....

A 'Cure' For Color Blindness

What is color blindness? Everyone at some point has probably been presented with the simple test above to determine whether you are colorblind or not. If you can see the images within the circles, you aren't, and if you...
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If Weight Loss is Your Question, Then Apple Cider Vinegar is the Answer You Are Looking For

New research published in the Journal of Functional Foods claims that sipping on apple cider vinegar before every meal helps in reducing the blood sugar levels. Acetic acid, which is the main component of this vinegar...

Why does it bother some people when a fat person is confident in their own skin?

Just wondering why some people care so much that others are okay with being morbidly obese. I just want personal opinions. Please don't attack fat people <3 Youtuber is xBrittany89...
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Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter

Did you have a healthy breakfast this morning? As much as we love to include the word “healthy” in our diet, the busy mornings and tight schedules force us to skip on the safe and binge on something that’s quick and no...

6 Basic Tips For Beginners To Lose Weight Pt. 1

Disclaimer: No, I’m not a personal trainer. However, I did have a personal trainer for several months. And her advice has helped me lose 20 pounds with 15 more to go to reach my first goal weight. So I thought I...

Examining The Context Of Health-Related Beliefs

There are many health-related beliefs that people hold. People hold strongly to these beliefs, because the beliefs have helped them move toward a healthier lifestyle, and they are convinced that the beliefs are absolutely...

If I do these workouts, how long until I can expect to see a visible difference on my butt?

This is a 5x6 workouts, with one day break each week. I will take that break when my butt is incredibly sore I guess... Did this whole thing last week but skipped a few days. My butt is sore after some of these videos, so...
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Can Snake Venom Creams Really Replace Regular Skin Care Products?

Ever since the venom of the Temple Viper Snake was placed into a pot of an anti-aging daily moisturizer manufactured by Planet Skincare in the late 2000's, countless other skincare products have followed suit and the...