[ Ride and Shine ✨ - my bike-riding FEET (pun intended) ]


Do you remember what it was like to ride a bike? For the first time? 🚲

My ride or die 🚲
My ride or die 🚲

What’d you think? How’d it feel up until the very moment you could coast… from coast to coast! Without any bumps or collisions? Who was there at that moment? And have you ever taught anyone else to ride?

Here’s my story & it came up in conversation today. I had the most euphoria I could ever imagine, considering I had so much shame & fear, & later anger for not being able to ride by a certain age.

My learning to ride a 🚲 story:

I grew up in New York, and my family lived on the 18th floor of 100. We took taxis or walked everywhere. To condense this, I’ll say my mother was cleaning out the apartment & looking for things to trash/ sell, when we had uncovered 2 GLORIOUS (old-school) bikes with deflated tires, and some dust. To me, it was glorious.. It looked like a car I could drive myself.. something about it was magnetic.

Later, outside a park, and the tires filled up, my older sis tried sitting on one for the best size. I tried as well. I realized a possible danger, as I could barely reach the pedals, & balancing was no small feat..

It seemed to demand balance just to operate. 🤷‍♀️ Like riding a pencil or something. It wasn’t a cart 🛒 essentially… but some operative, teetering product. It didn’t seem easy. It didn’t seem enjoyable anymore, & I became ashamed, when others would stare (in the big city), as I tried to stay on the top of this “dumb bike.” So I gave up. Quickly too.
After I saw my sister already riding within minutes of some wavering.

So I never touched a bike again.

I felt shame when kids would just talk about it or it came up in movies. (The sandlot).

Later, my family moved to the country. I was 11 years old & that felt too darn old to not know how to bike. I had nothing to do that summer day, and I was tired of the fear; the doubts & the shame. So I grabbed my mom’s friend’s 🚲 out of her garage. (She said we could ride it).

I kinda, did almost, fall on it when I walked it out- which angered me further- & so, I gave it a good shake down & said, “I don’t care if I fall!”

Long story, shortened:

I learned to ride that day. Smooth.

I never wavered. I never fell.

I was not just on top of the bike… I was on top of the world 🌎 🚲 👑.

Two wheels and a dream
Two wheels and a dream
Bike ride the 🌎 or bust
Bike ride the 🌎 or bust


(Never give up. When we cease in fear and/or shame, courage takes over. When we no longer fear the risks, we find results, closer to a goal that would make us happy. Power through. Don’t be afraid to fall. Gain that momentum). :] Share your story.

[ Ride and Shine ✨ - my bike-riding FEET (pun intended) ]
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