Why Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome

Why Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome

Let's face it...the winter holidays are for couples. It's really easy to start feeling lonely when everywhere you look there are couples hand in hand....smooching on eachother ...eww gross. Even the Christmas movies used to be cool like Die Hard, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Home Alone.

You almost can't find any NEW original good Christmas content out there...it's all rom coms and chick flicks with a Christmas twist. Makes you want to gag sometimes...no pun intended. No worries though....below I have listed why being single during the holidays is so awesome.

Why Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome

1. Hobbies

While everyone is getting the cheesy couple Christmas cards made you have time to enjoy that hobby of yours. This is the time of year not to sulk but to get out there and enjoy life. Learn a new skill or new language. Hit the gym and get a head start on looking good for the spring time while everyone else is waiting until the last minute to make a healthy commitment. Write that book you always wanted to write. You do you boo... and most of all do it well.

Why Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome

2. Money

All the money you would have spent on their present can now go to a weekend get away with a friend, a new purse, new earrings, etc etc. Spend a little more money on YOU this holiday season because let's face it ... you rock and you are worth it.

Why Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome

3. Food

Do you want to cook and eat what you cooked as soon as it’s out of the oven? No problem and no need to wait....grab that big soup spoon and dive into that brownie tray! I won't tell.

You probably won't be single forever, so you should take advantage of this time to do whatever you want...whenever you want...all the time. Yes go ahead fart...nobody is looking.

Happy Holidays everyone. Thank you for reading this short MyTake.

If you are single...own it! It won't be long until you look back and say "Damn I wish I would of done that when I was single."

Why Being Single During the Holidays is Awesome
Post Opinion