Does Everyone Have to be Muscular to be Considered Attractive?

Does Everyone Have to be Muscular to be Considered Attractive?

For the past 15 years or so, there has been a desire for a muscular/athletic figure. For women, this means having a very low body fat percentage (women naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men, for biological reasons; even women who are very slim have a higher body fat percentage than men; women who are slim to even very slim can have a high body fat ratio in relation to their muscle mass.) Basically, nature is such that women naturally have 'softer', less angular bodies than men, and if they want to look hard and muscular, they need to keep their body fat percentage very low, and work very hard in the gym....Which is, of course, totally fine if that's what you want, and you like that look :)

However, something which annoys me (and perhaps other people too, I'll wait for the comments!) is the idea that if you are not muscular, if you are slim and healthy, but soft, you are somehow 'unhealthy, 'unattractive', or even sometimes, called 'fat', despite being slim, like Marilyn Monroe in the picture below, and in the link I posted. I can see a flat stomach, yes I know she didn't have abs, but that looks flat and slim to me, and we all know she had a very small waist measurement. She also has a rounded bottom/hips, because that was her body shape - lots of women have this small waist/round hips shape, even when they are slim.

Does Everyone Have to be Muscular to be Considered Attractive?

There are a few things I want to consider here:

Firstly, 'fitness' (Ie ability to do physical exercise, endurance, ability to lift weights, run at a certain speed for a certain time) and 'health' are not 100% correlated. What I mean is, the fitter you are doesn't necessarily mean 'healthier'. A certain level of fitness is absolutely essential for good health, but being extremely fit (i.e. a marathon runner) isn't necessarily healthier in the long term - some of the requirements (very low body fat, pressure on the joints) can be damaging, especially for women. Some female athletes, who maintain very low body fat, can have trouble conceiving, or even be left infertile.

Secondly, you can have no or little muscle tone, but still exercise regularly and eat healthily, and be slim....Just because a woman doesn't have muscular arms or visible six pack abs, it doesn't mean that she's a couch potato, or that she eats junk. You can eat super clean and do cardio exercise, but not look muscular.

So, I just wondered what you guys think....

These days, does everyone have to be muscular to be considered 'attractive'?

Does Everyone Have to be Muscular to be Considered Attractive?
126 Opinion