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7 mo

Which gender is more likely to ignore red flags if a person is good looking?

Men will ignore red flags at first, as they are more strongly drawn in by a person's physical appearance. They get to know personality over time. They will put up with more if they're really... Dating

7 mo

I never get asked out by guys. I feel like i’m too loud.. is that why? what am I doing wrong?

Why can some girls easily get boyfriends and some can’t? Dating

7 mo

Do women find good looking men unattractive if they have low self esteem?

No. I like humility, introspection, and men who are nice. Confidence doesn't factor in. Dating

7 mo

Online dating first message?

Here's some random suggestions: Specificity. It's better to be specific than to be generic. In the fiction writing world, it's recommended to not worry too much about alienating some readers... Dating

7 mo

Is it a red flag if my girlfriend gets insecure or jealous if I like a post on instagram of a girl who happens to be our mutual friend?

Does she act more angry and nasty, or more hurt and vulnerable? Rampant insecurity is a tough thing to deal with in a partner. If you love her, and she's sweet in general, you can try to build her... Dating

7 mo

Why can some girls easily get boyfriends and some can’t?

Watch this. And read this. The Personal and Societal Benefits of Girls Taking the Initiative With Guys in Relationships You're waiting to be picked. You... Relationships

7 mo

Balding guy at 20, what may I do to compensate for this flaw?

Hats are fun. I love hats. Great way to show some personality and style. You have to try to not be uncomfortable with yourself, because that's what makes others comfortable. There are people... Dating

7 mo

How do I let go of the hope of being with someone?

Sounds like you might have a bit of messed up madonna-whore issue. You've been longing for this woman for over a decade, but you demean her by calling her a "slut" and you "don't want that kind of... Dating

7 mo

Is this toxic behaviour?

Oh for fuck's sake, does everything that offends a girl have to be "toxic"? It's his OPINION. People used to be entitled to it without being labelled with a personality disorder. Relationships

7 mo

Is this a red flag: Guy I’m dating told me to ‘learn the skill of being able to know when something is a joke’?

If one looks for "red flags" everywhere, one will find them everywhere. Think about what the reputation of bellydancers is. They are meant to be sexy, beautiful. They are doing what they do -... Relationships

7 mo

NEVER show your girlfriend your weak side? What has modern society come to?

Most females are not like this. The good ones aren't. You experience this, you tell them that's a shit way to be, and you move on from them. Ladies, True or False: "I've lost attraction to a/my... Relationships

9 mo

Boyfriend has been mad at me for almost 3 weeks, help?

"I don’t think I am minimising it but maybe you can give me perspective. So the argument basically I put my foot in my mouth with his mom while we were all talking. His sister is going travelling... Dating

9 mo

Which men or women cheat more?

I don't know the answer, but in one chart which encompassed your choices, I read that Latinos cheat the least. They are apparently pretty family-oriented. Dating

9 mo

What makes a classy woman?

This isn't directly related, but I was looking through my dance folder earlier to reply to someone else, and I thought you might just enjoy this image. Your q makes me think of these that answered... Dating

9 mo

Why are the best people usually in a relationship with absolute selfish jerks?

I've never experienced that. Quite the opposite. In fact, the people who made the best partners were already taken, or opting out for very specific and valid reasons. If they're with people who... Relationships

10 mo

Why is the best piece of dating advice you have ever gotten?

I've never received any particularly insightful and memorable dating advice. But my sister said something once, about people, that stuck with me. And she was right. "Focus on similarities. We... Relationships

10 mo

Is no reply a reply itself?

No. I think too much is read into digital communication. People need to slow their roll. Anxiety and judgment and paranoia are pretty rampant these days. We don't have the normal cues to be able... Dating

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