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10 mo

How should guys communicate with girl that are venting?

I'll be honest—I don't understand why this advice persists in society—females don't want you to offer fixes or advice, they just want you to listen. Why? Why is this the case? Why do so many men... Dating

10 mo

Do you think it’s unrealistic to be with only one person for the rest of your life?

I think it's a beautiful sentiment and concept, and it's somewhat comforting, or something akin to that, that many people still believe in it. It's hopeful. But young people should be idealistic.... Relationships

10 mo

How do you know a man dosen't care about you?

He doesn't initiate contact. (It doesn't have to be often. But it has to be meaningful sometimes. Don't get hung up on frequency.) He doesn't ask questions about you. Then listen. (Don't always... Relationships

10 mo

Do you think starting drama with your crush would make them like you?

That is a terrible idea. Men hate drama. (Unless they're gay, then they tend to love it.) Flirting

10 mo

How do you know a man is the one for you?

You never know. You take a chance. Dating

10 mo

Women, would you ever date a man who is in the process of losing weight and gaining muscle? Or should we just wait to start approaching?

One of the common things which women think but you will rarely hear them say is that they are intimidated by men who look really good, ripped, etc., and work out often. Even if he doesn't expect... Dating

10 mo

Do you enjoy cooking for your partner?

I'm overall fairly neutral on cooking. The act of it is fine. It's a lot more affordable than relying on others to make your food for you (premade in grocery stores, or restaurants.) But the main... Relationships

10 mo

Studies show: single women are happier than single men? Single people, true or false?

I'm not single but I'll weigh in on one point I think is applicable - Men generally have a higher sex drive and more sexual frustration when they're not getting it. I don't think it's the same for... Dating

10 mo

What advice would you guys give for dating someone with a platonic best friend of the opposite sex?

Look, sometimes it is nothing but platonic friends. Sometimes it is more. But that doesn’t preclude you from putting limits on who his friends can be. You chose him. You love him. You have to... Relationships

10 mo

If you suddenly got rich, would it change your relationship with others?

I think it would probably make me more carefree, upbeat, and though it wouldn't change my behaviour with strangers, with friends I would be very generous. I imagine there'd be some trips, and some... Relationships

10 mo

In your experience do couples post each other more on social media when they’re happier or not?

Huh? When people are not happy with their partner, they don't post them. They want a break from them, a way to escape and imagine a different life (and partner.) Relationships

10 mo

Does it look desperate for a girl to ask a guy out?

No, it does not. Listen to the guys on this. They are not telling you it's not desperate just to manipulate you, or get you to embarrass yourself, or for an ego boost to them, or to 'level the... Dating

10 mo

My boyfriend demanded for nude. I did'nt send it then he blocked me and I also blocked him. now he unblocked me why?

This guy is a complete piece of trash. If you've only been in a relationship for 15 days it's a bit soon to say he's your boyfriend, anyway. (You may have known him a while, I get it.) But a... Dating

10 mo

Can you get attracted to someone just because of their mentality or thoughts?

Yes. But the attraction is usually stronger when you don't know the appearance and can fill in the blanks with your imagination. The reality is that most people are average in appearance, some are... Relationships

10 mo

If a girl ask you "what are we" does that mean she wants a relationship?

It's a standard q, yes. Answer: Probably. Most females lean that way. Most males lean being worried about commitment, losing their freedom. Your second Update is funny - shrug, lol. Yep, that's... Dating

10 mo

What is the gain from treating me like shit?

Who knows. We don't know her. Some guesses... She's bitter and acting out emotionally. She thinks you deserve it for making her suffer. This is how she feels and she can't hold it in. It's not... Break Up & Divorce

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