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+1 y

Can making a girl jealous help attract her back to you or would it do the opposite?

If she realizes that you are doing it on purpose? No. It will back fire. If you are in college and you just naturally start talking to more girls and introducing yourself in a positive and... Relationships

+1 y

Do you like long or short hair on a girlfriend?

Always long hair. Only women prefer short. Its a biological thing too Dating

+1 y

Please help. Is my boyfriend’s behaviour normal?

This is all not normal. Seems sketchy to show up unannounced. Run fast. Be safe Relationships

+1 y

I feel like I can do better than my boyfriend, but I love his soul. What can I do?

This is called "HYPERGAMY". Look it up. She's not your girlfriend fellas. It's just your turn. Women think like this all the time. They are always looking to trade up rather than appreciating... Dating

+1 y

Men, Does a women’s income matter to you when dating?

I remember watching this. Hafeez is right. Men are completely different than women. Men are less likely to care about money or your career or your job and more likely to care about how you... Dating

+1 y

Can pretty girls ever be loyal to a not so good looking guy?

Women are always trading up. Be mindful of this. Especially pretty girls. They are like a business that is always entertaining applications single or not. With that said be confident. The... Dating

+1 y

Is it disrespectful that he asked for nudes after a week of talking/knowing each other?

No. Just go with the flow. If you dont like it say no. If he is a great guy he will be cool and continue trying to get to know you. I have had women send me nudes on the first date. Sometimes... Dating

+1 y

Why is it no matter how much love you give a man, they will still leave you?

Every love will leave you until the last one. The last one... your life partner... each breakup gets you closer to them. Relationships

+1 y

Have you ever asked someone you are dating for an STD test before doing the Wild Thang?

Yes but only once. Typically I just use condoms instead. Dating

+1 y

Does a woman's "biological clock" really exist?

Yes. Dating a 30 year old woman is intense. Desperate. By 35 most woman are so scared of not having children and gaining weight that they are angry and bitter? Dating

+1 y

Why do ghosters try and come back?

I never ghost without texting the reason. I come back only for sex. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Dating

+1 y

How is this dress for dating?

Its not a dress for dating. Its a bedroom dress for a home date over wine before sex. Dating

+1 y

My boyfriend is mad at me for giving another guy my number?

Women say he overreacted because they want the freedom to line phone numbers from guys for Male validation or future sex without consequences. Men respond different because they know that... Relationships

+1 y

Why do so many black men here always elevate white women onto pedestals? Why do so few of them value black women yet still expect them to be loyal?

I love black women. But a lot of them treat me with attitude and disrespect because I am educated. Also... white women treat me better because they view me a a fetish or a unique prize. Im just... Dating

+1 y

Would you tell a 5'3" 155 lbs girl that she should lose some weight?

6 floors is actually hard. 5ft 3inches and 155 pounds isn't fat but it is chubby. Is it a sexxy chubby? Like does she have nice boobs? If not you might want to express weight concern. Im... Dating

+1 y

Do fit girls really attract better guys?

It depends. For sex any girl can attract a stud. I am a muscular man with a soccer athletic build and I have had some great sex with fat/overweight women. But I would not want to be in a... Dating

+1 y

Men, is a woman being a virgin in her midtwenties a turn off?

There is no such thing as a woman as a virgin being a turnoff. Not at any age. Dont worry you are cool. Actually.. a woman who is a virgin makes a guy more horny because of the innocence of the... Dating

+1 y

If you could erase a past experience, what would it be?

I would have told her I was a virgin and that I was nervous instead of pretending that I knew what i was doing because of being older. Relationships

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