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3 mo

Should I move in her house or get my own?

I'd sleep in my car before rooming with her. Where do you see this going long term since you don't want to live in something she's quite content to do? Family & Friends

3 mo

If You Were a Bride, What Would You Do in this Sick Situation?

I'm sure a lot of people consider that a harmless joke. I personally think it's a waste of a good cake, but whatever. The problem I have is that apparently they talked about it beforehand,... Family & Friends

3 mo

Why can't I be myself socially when my parents are around?

If you're "traumatized" at nearly 30 because your parents told you not to say some things in front of people you need a mountain of therapy. Family & Friends

3 mo

Should I break up with my boyfriend because he is broke?

There seems to be zero compatibility here. Why did you two get together? Valentine's Day

3 mo

Is it sad and pathetic not to have a date for Valentines Day?

Go volunteer at the animal shelter and meet someone with a big heart. Valentine's Day

3 mo

How long is longest you can be apart from your parents?

I had a 22 month deployment. Didn't take R&R, so... that I guess. Family & Friends

3 mo

What to do when you miss a friend that’s not good for you?

Reload and try again. No just kidding. JUST KIDDING MODS! She's out of your life for a reason. Remember the good times but don't see her through rose colored glasses. Family & Friends

3 mo

How do you deal with people who don’t keep their word?

Just stop making plans with her. If she asks why tell her she never follows through, and be prepared to cite examples. If she doesn't EVER ask why... well... there's your answer. Family & Friends

3 mo

As an adult, do you still take advice from your parents?

sure if it's something she knows something about. Carpentry? Yeah especially yes... building a NAS, not so much Family & Friends

3 mo

Do you think my mum is controlling or concerned?

You're 36 FFS, why does your mom even have a say? Who cares what she thinks, you're an adult you don't need her permission. Family & Friends

3 mo

My boyfriend wants me and my family to jump his baby mom because she put him on child Support. Should we?

So you're asking if YOU should be trashy because your trash boyfriend wasn't stepping up to the plate and being a man about his responsibilities? Yeah, the answer is a firm "no" there. Family & Friends

3 mo

If you have a son or daughter in the military and they died, and the injuries where gruesome, would you want to view them or keep the casket closed?

I've touched enough dead bodies in my life that there's really nothing personal to them anymore. That's not my loved one in the box, it's just meat. When my time comes just dump my body on my... Family & Friends

3 mo

Wow so women never forget don't they?

There are stadiums of books on relationships out there talking about how toxic that actually is. I'm sorry you got saddled with someone who can't argue like an adult. Family & Friends

3 mo

At what age did you stop being lying?

I worked essentially undercover until 7 years ago. As such, i find lying in my personal sphere really off-putting. I have to do enough of it at work I don't have the patience to do that in my... Family & Friends

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