

6 mo

Why people are so busy today, and what's it really mean in dating when they're too busy?

I know you have all been there before. You connect with someone, you go out on one of the most amazing first dates of your life. You have an amazing meal, you walk around the lake holding hands. You make out for 30 minutes and it's incredibly fun and invigorating. She/He says they are busy...

6 mo

Online Dating: Time waisters

So I am on a run again, and here we go....! People turn to online dating for a variety of reasons. They are lonely. They are recently single and want to see what else is out there. They have hear rumors and are curious about it. Whatever your reason is, these are the what not to do. 1. DON'T...

8 mo

She texts, makes phone calls daily... but is super nervous about setting up a coffee date after second week of talking. Why it's a relationship killer. This My Take is written specifically in regards to people who connect online. This has nothing to do a people that you know in real life or had previous relationship with. I want to make that very clear because it's already assumed that when a person...

8 mo

Traits of a High Value Man vs. a High Value Woman... what to look for and how to handle one when you find one. As you look at the two lists of what makes a high value woman and man individually, they look pretty similar, but as you start comparing the two lists against each other you start to see contradictions. Frist example is number 1 on the women's...

10 mo

I have dated a lot of women, and either I am Self-Centered, or they are Self-Absorbed. What's the difference and what is worse?

Self-Absorbed - people see their interests and adventures through their own eyes. They assume what's fascinating to them is fascinating to others. They assume other people value the same things they do.......

11 mo

What makes you a sexist?

I have all this vast dating experiences as a hetro-sexual male. Essentially, all my experiences in the dating world have been with woman, and all personal knowledge has been gained from the male perspective with woman. I have dated dozens of woman, I have see all types of things that woman do...

11 mo

What is love, and why are we so confused by it?

Love by definition, is a feeling of deep affection in something that brought you interest and pleasure. If you were to ask me how many times I have been in love, honestly, I would say 16 different times. Why would I say that? How is that even possible, right? Well, that is because I have been...

1 y

What men really want in a relationship?

1. Men seek honesty Men want to trust their partners and they want that trust reciprocated. If you ever think to yourself that there is something you don't really want to say, and he doesn't really need to know, or it's really none of his business... you are already aware of the fact on some...

1 y

10 Signs that Tells Him, She is NOT the One!

1. Stress- If you feel stressed or anxious when you think about her. I remember a time that I was traveling to see a woman, and the whole time down there I was thinking that this is not how it's supposed to feel. If she brings more war than peace into your life, you feel you need to walk on...

1 y

Why guys go for younger women? I have a theory.

My theory is that in today's society there seems to be a trend of single parent families. Mental disorders occur in higher rates of children from single parent homes, or in children of broken homes....

1 y

Why Opposite Sex Friends are Harmful to your Intimate Relationships.

My girlfriend went out on what could essentially be called a date with another man. This really hurt my feelings, but I really struggled to find a way to explain why it hurt me, because honestly, she does not see what she did as being her problem, but as my problem. I really struggled to...

1 y

Committed Relationship. What is the hang up over commitment?

This is MyTake on the subject, so this my prospected based upon my personal experiences. What does it mean to be in a committed relationship? To me personally it when you and another person are in relationship together, in which you both are building toward a future together. To me this means...

1 y

Lots Of Questions On Red Flags

Lots of talk about "Red Flags" and what to watch for. Honestly in my opinion there isn't really any one thing or another that screams "Red Flag" to me, but it's usually a combination of any one or two patterns or behaviors, that generate anxiety for me with in a relationship. Problem is you...

1 y

Why "Playing Hard to Get" or sending "Mixed Signals" doesn't really work.

Definition of "Playing Hard to Get" : to pretend that one is not interested in having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone in order to make that person more attracted to them. Definition of "Sending Mixed Signals" : a showing of thoughts or feelings that are very different from each...

1 y

Everyone wants a honest, sincere and genuine person so what does that mean when it comes to texting habits?

Simple statistical fact is most people read a text within 3 minutes of receiving it. Receiving it means, within 3 minutes of them seeing and then reading a message. The important thing is that some people are genuinely busy and there are all types of reasons as to why someone may not respond in...

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