10 Signs that Tells Him, She is NOT the One!

10 Signs that Tells Him, She is NOT the One!

1. Stress- If you feel stressed or anxious when you think about her.

I remember a time that I was traveling to see a woman, and the whole time down there I was thinking that this is not how it's supposed to feel.

If she brings more war than peace into your life, you feel you need to walk on eggshells around her in order to avoid arguments, she becomes more of a nuisance, instead of a ray of sunshine in your life... she isn't the one.

When she offers more problems than solutions, it's time to move on...she isn't the one!

2. It's Always About Her- Come on guys we all know this type of women, that swings her feeling around like a sledgehammer into every conversation.

If you are expressing your own feelings, and inevitable it always swings back to how you are making her feel and ends with you consoling her about how you made her feel, instead of how you feel... she isn't the one.

You deserve space in the relationship to feel the way you feel about things, without it being swung back at you like a sledgehammer. If you find yourself feeling increasingly shut out or off, in order to avoid it being turned around on you... she isn't the one!

10 Signs that Tells Him, She is NOT the One!

3. Accountability- people are entitled to their own feelings, thoughts and opinions, but when they turn those feelings and thoughts into action, they have to take responsibility for their own actions.

I absolutely cannot tolerate a person who cannot admit fault or accept any responsibility for their own actions. These are the types of women that want to hold you accountable for all the things you say and do, but in reality, she is shifting all that accountability back on you. If this is happening more than a few times a week or month... she isn't the one!

4. Lacking in kindness- This is the women that feels she always speaks the truth, and if you can't handle it then there is something wrong with you. The issue is not that you have a problem with the way she feels or the point she is making, but in the way she is making it. Words matter, and they have meaning, if she is saying something in a way that makes you constantly feel less than you deserve... then she isn't the one.

If you are constantly saying you don't like the way she is talking to you, and she does not see the issue... then she not a kind person. She can speak the truth, but she has a responsibility to be kind, and if she lacks empathy for how she makes you feel... she isn't the one!

10 Signs that Tells Him, She is NOT the One!

5. Appreciation- No matter what you do, it isn't good enough. This is the women that says things like, "I really appreciate the thought and intentions, but I really wish you could of did it this way, or that way." Well, if she truly appreciated what you did, then thank you is all she needed to say. If this is happening more often than not... she isn't the one.

6. Impulsive behaviors- This is the woman that can't resist the impulses of the moment. She can't detach from the emotions of the moment and reflect in a more logical way, without getting upset about your bringing her down. This could be the women that spends money freely, gets overly excited about simple things, or jumps from one thing to another on whims.... she isn't one!

I went on a date with a woman who invited me to Mexico on the first date. I thought that was crazy... but six weeks later I was in Mexico with her. We had a great trip, lots of fun... but it ended miserably. Dated another woman, every time we went somewhere on a trip, she absolutely fell in love with the location and wanted to move there. We went on a ski trip to Tahoe, she wanted to move to Tahoe, went to Montrey and she wanted to move to Montrey. I would indulge her fleeting fantasies, until the day came that she met a man with a house in Tahoe and that was the end of the relationship. People who display Impulsive behaviors, no matter how small or trivial are prone to making bad choices. If this is someone you know... then she isn't the one!

7. Keeps in contact with Exs- This is the person that dates people but ends up staying freinds with them. These are the types of people that have lots of Face Book Friends / Instagram Followers who are their friends, and they keep up with all of them. These are the types that meet a lot of people but can't ever really close the door on things. That are only committed to the fun times, and after the initial "getting to know you period" wants to move on. They stay freinds with them, because they appreciate the good times that freinds can have together, but they probably have issues fully committing on an emotional and intimate level.

If you are starting to feel that all her freinds are more important to her then your relationship... she isn't the one!

8. Lack of Respect- This is when you tell her you do not like that she is doing something, and she continues to do it without trying to compromise with you. She lacks respect for you as a person or the boundaries you are trying to set. She will only cause you stress and heart ache, if this is happening... then she is not the one!

9. High Maintenance- If you are working way harder than you feel you need to be working just to date her, then this is the type of women who expects you to chase her. This is the one that will make plans then change them on you, and then expect you to accommodate her. Has expensive tastes but expects you to pay all the time.

I dated more than one woman, that bragged about how excellent of a cook they were, but after weeks of dating I could not count on all my fingers and toes how many meals I cooked for her, but she never once cooked for me. If you're in this situation... then she isn't the one!

10. Speaks poorly about all her past relationship partners- This is the women that never has anything good to say about their past relationships. All they can say is how terrible all their ex-boyfriends were. Then they go into detail about all the things their ex-boyfriends did to them. If you find yourself sitting there thinking, why would this guy do that to this woman then you need to move on. It's only a matter of time until the real her comes out and you are the next horror story... she isn't the one.

I could go on with more and more... but 10 things is the right place to cut it off. The main point is that I was raised to be and man, how to act like man and to be proud of being a man. I was also taught, that a man should love and appreciate women, and that women would act like women, but we forgave them for that because we loved women, honor, cherish and want to care for and protect them. But the truth is that most women these days do not want that from men in general, until they find the one that they do want those things from. Then at some point they forget that in the end you are only a man. Not all women know how to treat a good man, or deserve a good man, and these are 10 ways you can figure out rather quickly if she is or is not the one!

10 Signs that Tells Him, She is NOT the One!
20 Opinion