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3 mo

Would you relocate for your partner?

I already have. 🙂 The 15-hour time difference was hard on our LDR. But, I’d only do that for someone I’m very serious with. My S/O is my fiancĂ©e though — so that’s serious... Relationships

3 mo

Why is it that me and my husband rarely argue but when it happens we have multiple arguments one after the other?

It sounds like multiple unresolved issues all surfacing at once. For my S/O and I, we try to resolve things fully before moving on, otherwise it’ll just resurface at a later time.... Relationships

3 mo

Can you fall in love with someone the same day you meet them?

That’s fortunate that it worked out for them well. Most of the time, things don’t go that smoothly. It’s like marrying your very first boyfriend or girlfriend. For some, it has... Dating

3 mo

Do you believe in taking a time out after an argument?

If the issue is not resolved yet, it’s not so much a time out as it is just a cool down period. If a talk becomes an argument and things get heated, it’s better to take some time to cool off... Relationships

4 mo

Do you feel like you meet womens/mens standards?

Ever since my first year in college, finding women who want to date me hasn’t been a struggle. It actually wasn’t a struggle in high school either. If anything, I’M the picky one. I’m not... Dating

4 mo

Does anyone text with repeating letters (such as "Hiiiiiii" or "ohhhhhh") and is not desperate, not emotionally unstable, not creepy, etc?

It just comes off as juvenile. Some of my peers would type that way when I was like 13 on AOL instant messenger LOL. Nah, I don’t think it’s a red flag or anything. I suppose they just want to... Dating

4 mo

Women don't care about your problems. They wait at the finish line for the winners. True or false?

Lol, have you been watching Entrepreneurs in Cars ? I think he says that line verbatim. It’s a statement about hypergamy and the idea that women always want to get with the best... Dating

4 mo

What screams, "I have a crush on you"?

When their mouth is on your dick. 🍆 Lol, okay serious answer: Eye contact is a good indicator. Not just any eye contact, but the kind where you can actually see that they’re excited... Flirting

4 mo

Are men really getting a raw deal in KNOWN gold digging relationships?

If they’re upfront, then they’re a sugar baby, not a gold digger. Money for honey. Sugar babies and sugar daddies know that they have a transactional relationship. The sugar... Relationships

4 mo

When a guy is turned off, is there ever another chance?

It depends on what turned him off. If it was something mild or moderate, it’s possible to fix things if you’re willing to compromise or accommodate. (Like if you had your phone out during a... Dating

4 mo

Do men have any leverage in relationships who aren't rich or extremely attractive?

Everyone can have leverage by having boundaries and standards and the self-respect to walk away from a bad relationship. Also, it’s odd that he is rich and attractive but gets no attention... Relationships

4 mo

What do you think of the “orange peel” relationship theory?

It’s a sign that they’re a giver. The most harmonious relationships are when both people involved are givers. If someone is just about take take take, then the relationship is going... Relationships

4 mo

Do you think a man can be a bad husband but a very good father?

I believe that’s usually not the case. If a marriage is dysfunctional, usually the parenting is dysfunctional as well. But, of course, I suppose there may be rare exceptions.... Marriage & Weddings

4 mo

What are some signs that someone is going to break up with you soon?

When they seem to be just going through the motions and there’s no more passion in what they do. They may bury themselves in work or be busy with other activities and seem to never miss you. Both... Break Up & Divorce

4 mo

How long does passion and lust last in a relationship?

Normally, I’d say the infatuation phase lasts about 3-4 months. Since your relationship has been passionate for over 2 years, that’s a good thing. It means the passion between you two... Relationships

4 mo

Why is it so hard to find real love these days?

It's similar to how it's difficult to find true empathy, compassion, altruism, and kindness. Real love is like those things. One needs to have a good heart in order to truly love someone,... Dating

4 mo

Have you ever had feelings for someone and were too afraid to tell them?

Oddly… No. I’ve always shot my shot. Whenever I held back, it was only because they were already taken or because I was already taken. Dating

4 mo

Are there subjects that should not be discussed in a conversation between a Man and a woman?

If you’re both single, then anything and everything is pretty much fine. If one of you is taken, and the other isn’t, then one should be careful when confiding in the someone of the opposite... Relationships

4 mo

Guys, Whats your ideal body type in a woman?

I’m quite flexible with my preferences, but I do like and appreciate it when they take care of themselves, not just hygienically but also living a healthy lifestyle and having more of an athletic... Dating

4 mo

Ladies, what do you think of a guy who doesn’t need you?

It’s need vs want. Nobody should NEED to be with anybody. I’m very self-sufficient. I actually don’t NEED family or friends or a significant other. Would I like that... Dating

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