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+1 y

"Men have responsibilities. Women have choices." Agree or Disagree?

Fully disagree. Every functioning adult has responsibilities and choices. Funny example: My grandpa’s health has gotten a bit worse, so we had to sell his house and have him move in to a home... Society & Politics

+1 y

Which one is worse, an emotional or a physical affair?

To me, this is like asking me if I'd rather be stabbed in the back or the front. Makes very little difference because ultimately, I'm getting stabbed. And the end result is a breakup no matter what. Relationships

+1 y

What are things to do at your grandparents house?

Do they have any board games? Or cards? Holidays

+1 y

Is secretly looking through your partners phone immature?

It's not just immature, it's illegal. You're invading someone else's privacy. If it's gotten to the point where you feel compelled to look through their phone, why not just either talk to them... Relationships

+1 y

Would you accept an apology via text message?

It would be an okay start, but I would definitely expect us to talk it out face to face later on, especially if the argument was serious. Relationships

+1 y

Would you prefer a lover with high academic intelligence or emotional intelligence?

I prefer a higher EQ. I think I have quite a high EQ myself, I'm good at reading people and my self-awareness is quite high as well. And as such, I sometimes find it hard to communicate with those... Relationships

+1 y

When should you give an ex another chance?

Only under some very specific circumstances would I say that it's worth it. Rarely do you break up with someone and then end up in a place later where you can make it work. Oftentimes a breakup... Relationships

+1 y

I found my friend’s husband on Tinder. Should I tell her?

I know you said in your update that you decided against telling, but I'll give you my 2 cents anyway. The likelihood of HIM getting YOUR name dragged in the mud is tiny. People rarely feel any... Relationships

+1 y

Do you think school dress codes are sexist?

Yes. I live in Finland and there aren't really any dresscodes here. I haven't seen one girl get sent home for what she's wearing. Nor have I ever heard guys complain that they can't concentrate in... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Do Prisoners Sentenced To Death Try to Commit Suicide?

Probably a control thing. Like a last fuck you to authority. Or they just want to get it over with. Society & Politics

+1 y

Agree or Disagree, male Feminists are only Feminists because they think thats what women want to hear?

My boyfriend is a feminist and one of the most loving, respectful and intelligent people I know. So there are a few gems out there. But yes, on the other hand there are also a lot of guys out... Society & Politics

+1 y

“My culture is not your costume." Are these Halloween costumes cultural appropriation?

It's insensitive and people should think twice before dressing up like that. Society & Politics

+1 y

What are your honest thoughts on MGTOW?

Honestly I've never even met one irl, let alone got to talk to one face to face, so the only thoughts I have are based on things I've seen online. For people "going their own way" they sure care a... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are traditional gender roles good for society?

They're only good for the people who happen to fit into them, and the majority really doesn't fit traditional gender roles to a T anymore. People deserve to be free and choose what they want to do... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are women blamed too much for the things men do wrong?

I think blame is often misplaced. As a woman, of course I have encountered more men who feel like women are responsible for shit they didn't do. Like it's the fault of women that "nice guys" like... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are pornstars not respected and why do you think there is a stigma behind them? Do you personally respect them? Explain?

I'm neutral, I neither respect nor disrespect them just because they're porn stars. It's a career choice just like any other, and I don't inherently respect or disrespect some choices over others.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Are Women Allowed Long Hair In The Military, but Men Aren't?

Conformance and uniformity. Men already have short hair and are told to shave it. Women with long hair are told to tie it up in a bun. The shaving aspect has less to do with the actual hair and... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are there more than two genders?

SEX IS NOT THE SAME AS GENDER. Gender is your identity related to your sex - how masculine or feminine you feel. Sex is chromosomes/hormones/whatever you have between your legs. Gender is fluid.... Society & Politics

+1 y

How can I stop Netflix and chilling with him and get him to take me out?

Ugh, why bother with the mental gymnastics when you could just be honest with him and have a brief talk about it? Like ”I’m enjoying our netflix nights but I would like to go out sometimes too”. I... Relationships

+1 y

Why does my boyfriend call me "beautiful" when I look like a mess?

Yes, my boyfriend does this too. But remember that he obviously sees you differently than you do. So while you focus on your acne or your messy hair, he might be focusing on your pretty eyes, your... Relationships

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