I found my friend’s husband on Tinder. Should I tell her?

Tinder App
Tinder App
I haven’t spoken to her in years but we are Facebook friends. They definitely have not gotten a divorce and she’s always posting lovey dovey photos together. I double checked her profile and it definitely says they are married, and she’s fairly active on it. But I don’t know how she would react or they are separated or not. It doesn’t look like they are. Should I just keep it to myself?
Tell her. She has a right to know.
Mind your business and keep it to yourself.
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I forgot to mention that I accidentally swiped right and sent me a message. Legit 100% not interested but he responded in less than a minute i swiped.
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Decided not to tell. Not because she shouldn’t know but he will definitely know I told her. As a teacher, I can’t afford to have my name slandered on social media because I can be fired if I’m not little miss perfect outside of work.

Kinda sucks. She’s a really sweet person but I can’t risk being caught in the middle of something like that. I just unmatched from him and left it at that. I took screenshots though in case she ever needs it.
I found my friend’s husband on Tinder. Should I tell her?
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