Do you think school dress codes are sexist?

I've seen some articles on dress codes and how girls get sent home for being too distracting and that they're too strict. What are your thoughts? Are they sexist? Shouldn't exist? Biased towards women? Necessary? Should all schools have uniforms? Should students be allowed to wear whatever? Etc?
Do you think school dress codes are sexist?

Do you think school dress codes are sexist?
+1 y
Just clarifying I'm not trying to hate on men with this post. I asked if they were sexist, sexism can go either way. I added in the 'biased towards women only' and pictures as one of the many views someone might have, and why certain people might think that way.

+1 y
Thank you to everyone who has shared their views. I don’t really hold a strong opinion so it’s been really interesting to read all the various answers.
Do you think school dress codes are sexist?
117 Opinion