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6 mo

What can I do if I feel like after 3 months after the break up it gets worse?

Allow Me to Help Here, dear. I Broke Off with My LDR I Had For 4 Years. It was Becoming a Toxic Relationship and with Covid, I never was Able to Get There to See Him When We Had Planned this. I... Break Up & Divorce

6 mo

Do you use a real or fake Christmas tree?

Both in My Life But Fake is Nice Nowadays. xx Holidays

6 mo

For people who celebrate Christmas, do you go all out on decorations or just the bare minimum?

@mandyfire98 I Used To. Now, I Keep Up Pink/Purple Christmas Lights Up All Year Round. lolxxoo Holidays

6 mo

Have you sent or received any Christmas cards yet?

One from My Insurance Carrier. lolxxoo Holidays

6 mo

During Christmas, did you and your family open a gift on Christmas eve or all of them on Christmas morning?

@mandyfire98 Years Ago When We ALL Could Be Together, Mainly Christmas Eve and the Rest for The Ones Who Came, Again,(Grams and Gramps) for Dinner, Their Other Gifts. Now, Christmas Eve with Who I... Holidays

6 mo

How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

I Think 8. My Sisters and Myself Sat Mom Down and Got the TRUTH OUT OF HER. lolxxoo Holidays

6 mo

Why does he text to "check in"?

Maybe Guilt Ride and "No Hard Feelings." Ignore Him. xxoo Break Up & Divorce

6 mo

How much weight do you usually gain after your Thanksgiving feast?

lol I Lost Some to Maybe Gain back the Five pounds. Working on Christmas Now. xxoo Holidays

7 mo

Is it okay to isolate yourself after break up? no social media. no talking to friends?

If NEEDED, To Heal. However, Make up Your Mind One Day to Get Out There and Socialize with Friends and Go Slow with any New Date or mate. xxoo Break Up & Divorce

7 mo

Do they count as my ex?

Online or Offline Relationships----No Matter-----They are HUMAN BEINGS. xxoo Break Up & Divorce

7 mo

Does having a rebound mean that you did not care about your ex or that you cared too much for them?

Perhaps Too Much When Looking Perhaps Someone Like Them... REbound Robert. xxoo Break Up & Divorce

8 mo

Should a breakup happen over finances?

You will end Up The Enabler to Keep her From Really Trying to Sincerely Want Work. Break IT OFF. xxoo Break Up & Divorce

8 mo

Can a toxic relationship be fixed or is it better to break up?

From My Recent Experience, Toxic is No Good and W@ill Not Change. Break Up. xxoo Relationships

8 mo

Is texting other females considered cheating?

Especially Half Naked Ones. Family and Friends Onlyyyyyxxoo Relationships

8 mo

Do you believe a dumper always try to reconcile with the dumpee?

Me, Dumper, With my Current One, Try to Make Him Part of My Life But a Lot of Strife... xxoo Break Up & Divorce

8 mo

Is jealousy really that bad of a red flag?

It Is But One Would Need to Look Deep in That Situation at Hand, And Ask WFT is UP and WHY? xxoo Relationships

8 mo

Have you ever went on a vacation with a boyfriend/girlfriend and really found out who they were?

Traveled Over to Be with my Ex Muslim Hubby on my Second Trip to Egypt and Found Out Then What He was Really All About. And His Family. xxoo Relationships

8 mo

Would you say something if you saw a couple at a restaurant arguing and yelling at each other?

I'd Rather See That Than Parents Allowing Their Kids to Throw Food Around All Over. NP. xxoo Relationships

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