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+1 y

My boyfriend has a secret kid. Should I leave him?

Lying about having a child could be a red flag Do not meet his child unless you are in a long term committed relationship with him. Plus you just said you want your first child to be with... Dating

+1 y

Why does my boyfriend go into flight mode/ think of worst case scenarios when there's an argument & how to help me work on that?

Not sure if it is something you can help with. Sounds like he might need the help of a therapist. Probably a habit or something familial. Dating

+1 y

Girls night ends up getting me locked out?

I'd say don't move in together. I guess you should have verified with him about staying somewhere else but the fact that he locked you out without getting a confirmation that you had somewhere... Dating

+1 y

What's the ideal height of a prospective partner?

Any height. I’m not reproducing anymore. It’s more about a good personality and if all their parts are working or they at least have some skills Relationships

+1 y

Is it a red flag that my boyfriend won’t let me touch his phone?

After a year and a half I would find it odd he doesn't want you to see his phone. I mean have you ever just used his phone to text someone or call someone because you misplaced your phone? That's... Relationships

+1 y

Hey ladies, would you date a short guy?

Height wasn’t a thing for me when I was young but I’m short. My ex was 5’6”. My dad was that height. I come from short people. Post note: tall men can help produce tall babies and think about... Dating

+1 y

Do all women have cellulite? Is it unattractive to men?

I Recently started walking up and down a large hill at my local park for at least 1 mile and my legs started getting toned in 2 days. The cellulite started going away. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is “I’m not ready for anything serious” a cop out?

No it isn't a cop out if you explained you only want casual. It could be you just need some time out. There is a lot of recovery time from serious relationships especially when children are... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

What was your reasoning for unfriending an ex?

We needed to disconnect from each other's lives for our well being. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Is it more acceptable for you to see girls kissing each other in a romantic way or to see guys doing it?

I do think that two women kissing is still considered more socially acceptable than men but this is only maybe in the last 25 years. It’s long been a sexual fantasy but in reality not so much. Men... Dating

+1 y

Why is there a double standard for age gap relationships?

No one should worry about age gap relationship unless it’s an unequal or unhealthy relationship. It’s silly for women to get slammed more than men. Dating

+1 y

How can I ( a young single mom in college) find someone interested in dating me despite my "baggage"? How do I find the time to date to begin with?

Start out be having male friends and going to interest meetups (when things get better). I think you need some time to be around men but not necessarily dating them. Time to observe what you want... Dating

+1 y

What does it mean why my boyfriend says he loves me but also crushes on other girls?

Either he isn’t ready for monogamy or he is being open and transparent. Some people have crushes on people other than their SO but never act on it while others have tummy vision and only see the... Relationships

+1 y

My ex did my laundry?

He's a nice guy? You can love or like someone but still know that things are probably not going to work out. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My boyfriend cheated on me. Is it ok to make him drink an entire cup of pee to prove he is really sorry?

Just cut him off. The energy you give toward the revenge is wasted minutes of your life you could be using to have fun and move on. Dating

+1 y

Are you sapiosexual?

Probably mostly attracted to a person’s intelligence but he has to possess some kindness and compassion. Dating

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