5 Reasons Why I Only Want to Marry a Black Woman


Yes! This is coming from me! The black woman basher, grrr! Jut seeing me on your feed makes your blood convert to hot magma. I'm the guy who hates black girls..but honestly; I don't. I exist in a world where you can't criticize the people you love because it means you don't love them. Apparently nobody should hold a mirror to druggies, hookers, teen parents, teen wrist slicers, lean sippers, rapists or trap music producers because we hate these people.


We just want to present them with a mirror and they can do as they wish with the guidelines you've provided.

I shall begin because I hate long introductions and long Mytakes to boot!

#1 We have so much in common!

We grew up in similar communities and conditions, speech patterns, lingo, fashion sense and aspirations.

5 Reasons Why I Only Want to Marry a Black Woman

#2 Black women look amazing to me in every way!

I love the nappy crown of a black female when all the weave has been reluctantly snipped away and her true uncanny & unmistakable glow has materialized.

5 Reasons Why I Only Want to Marry a Black Woman

#3 I want my family to (God forbid) look like they belong to me!

I've always imagined myself going the distance with a Nubian Princess.

5 Reasons Why I Only Want to Marry a Black Woman

#4 I refuse to allow Country or Batchata in my wedding!

I'll nut up if 'The Electric Slide' isn't played at my wedding.

5 Reasons Why I Only Want to Marry a Black Woman

#5 I believe in rebuilding this thing called a family unit and how desperate our community needs this and better examples of healthy relationships.

Healthy homes/relationships can influence a community and thereafter town, city, state, etc. I hope my people make it to the next century and beyond because in all honesty it's looking dark for blacks. I hate to end this on a harsh note but I would be Admiral if I spoke sweet and nice all the time.

5 Reasons Why I Only Want to Marry a Black Woman
64 Opinion