For Black men, marrying a White woman never ends well.


DISCLAIMER: This post is not meant to offend anyone, but is purely an admixture of my opinion, observations and statistical data. This isn't meant to be some "woke" take in case you're looking for one, but a more realistic look at interracial unions.

For Black men, marrying a White woman never ends well.

You read the title correctly, I don't believe getting married to a White woman is a wise decision, at least from a Black man's perspective. I cannot speak for other ethnicities of men.

Historically, it the relationship dynamic between Black men and White women has been taboo, and although in recent years more people have come to accept it, there are still plenty of deep-rooted issues in the union.

For some background, White women love to complain about the White man and his issues, but they are not any less innocent. White women have owned slaves, they have lied about rape and have used their tears to get a lot of innocent Black men lynched during slavery and Jim Crow. White women have started feminism in the hopes that "inferior men" don't rule over them, and have convinced Black women to join them, breaking the Black family dynamic. Coincidentally, the Black marriage rate was the highest before the 1960s, and now it is the lowest. Interracial marriage has started to go up ever since the 1970s after it was legalized in 1967.

In today's society, the equivalent of White female tears and an angry murderous mob is the "weaponization of 911". White women call the police on Black men over the silliest things, and have rightfully earned the nickname "Karen" over that. Knowing the history of police brutality against Black men, it is no shocker that these women know exactly what they are doing.

I know you are wondering. "What's your issue with White women?". I don't, and I know it's not all White women who act like that obviously, but a good enough number that these behaviors are very noticeable, and quite dangerous. I am more worried about the well-being of my fellow Black brothers, which is why I believe that they should in the very least be aware of those things if they want to seek such a relationship.

Now for some statistics. The Black male and White female divorce rate is the HIGHEST of all, and is 85% more likely in 10 years than that of a White couple. The White couple divorce rate is at 38%, so 85% more would mean that the divorce rate is at a staggering 70.3%. 7 in 10 interracial couples will get divorced in 10 years, so why even try? We also know that statistically, women initiate divorce 80% of the time, 90% for college-educated women. 80% of the time in that 70% divorce rate, the White woman is initiating divorce, which is about 56.24% of the time. Let that sink in.

I see a lot of brothers blame society for the fractured relationship, but they never take accountability. You can only blame yourself and your partner, not her parents or her friends for your break-up/divorce. Just because society has made it unacceptable, it doesn't mean that it's not her fault for wrecking the home and leaving you behind, or that's it's not your fault for KNOWINGLY going into that relationship and expecting a different outcome. Just because Black men and Black women don't always see eye to eye doesn't mean that getting a White woman will equate to a successful marriage. They can be just as toxic sometimes, so we have to stop pedestalizing them. Black men need to wake up and stop giving White women the benefit of the doubt everytime. The double standards that exist are too blatant to miss.

Even though the Black divorce rate is high, it is still lower than the interracial divorce rate, at 60.8%. Black people should learn how to live with one another, and hopefully bring things back to how they used to be before 1967.

Finally, I want to say this. I'm all for a free society where everyone is allowed to be with whoever they want, so I don't believe in "restrictions". I do however believe that we need to re-evaluate how we look at these relationships, and start to be more cautious about them. If you know 7 in 10 fail, you have to make sure you're in that other 3, and if not, you have to plan your exit effectively (prenuptial agreement) before the marriage, knowing it can end in divorce. Or, you can do what I do and avoid it altogether. The choice is yours, but I would love to see less brothers getting screwed over in court.

For Black men, marrying a White woman never ends well.
13 Opinion