Should we redo our proposal?

My fiancé proposed to me two days ago. We spent the weekend away with his family at his grandparents'. I knew he was going to propose, I picked the ring out and he picked it up before we left. The box was in a little gift bag that he brought with us. I knew it was gonna happen sometime that weekend but the actual time and the way he proposed, I wanted to be completely a surprise. Right before we were gonna leave back home, I was downstairs and he was upstairs. When I went up, his grandma asked me if I wanted the bag the ring was in. I said "the ring is still in it" and she said it wasn't. My fiancé said "grandma you're ruining my proposal" so then I knew he had the ring and was gonna propose, he decided to do it then. He was clearly upset and he got down on one knee and asked me. I said yes and he said "alright take the ring." he didn't even put it on me. I asked him later how he was gonna ask me and he said he was gonna stop at this pond with a waterfall on the way back home. Of course I'm just happy to be engaged to him and I didn't care that his grandma kind of ruined it, but I know how excited he was to buy the ring, to have the perfect proposal, etc. Plus it was a little disappointing knowing this beautiful plan he had was ruined. I know he's probably still upset that it didn't go how he wanted it to. Should I give the ring back suggest he propose to me again? I don't want our awkward proposal to make him sad.
Should we redo our proposal?
5 Opinion