Would you like to be part of such a marriage?


This is how I personally view marriage:

It's a political institution. A marriage is a legal contract that is meant to build an alliance between two people. It's the beginning of a solid foundation that is meant to further the wealth and power of both partners by balancing out their advantages and flaws. If a man is rich, and comes from a good family, he should marry a woman that perhaps doesn't have a glamorous background but is famous, energetic and extroverted. Completle transparency is a must. You must be completely honest with your partner in order to accomplish your strategic goals successfully. Sex is important, but not essential. I wouldn't mind if my wife got bored of me, and wanted to experiment with somebody else. Because it doesn't matter, no other relationship will ever amount to anything more than what our marriage represents. Think of it like the old noble marriages of interest. A prenup exists just in case things go south. But divorce is a great sin and should have never even been on the table in the first place.

Would you like to be part of such a marriage?
Would you like to be part of such a marriage?
5 Opinion