Can we agree that women who divorce her husbands because they have testicular cancer should never be married again?

So there is this article of this woman who divorced her husband while he was having testicular cancer and she divorced him because supposedly everything became all about him. My reaction is the dude had testicular cancer. It’s like a man who divorces his wife because he has breast cancer whoever does that is a complete asshole, who should never get married again or even have the opportunity to have sex he should have his testicles cut off (I am being a bit hyperbolic here) but that’s how much of a animal that dude would be. He’s not an asshole he’s not a dick because that would suggest that he has some humanity left. The same thing goes for women who divorce her husbands because they have testicular cancer, even if the dude dies, she should still be with her husband until death. Just like the guy whose wife has breast cancer should be with her until death and hopefully the woman or man doesn’t die but somehow she made the right decision according to herself? She did this all in the name of self love. So why don’t cancel self love and embrace the web for others. That’s not yourself. I’m sorry I don’t wanna live in a country where this came as shit happens and is accepted.

10 mo
Can we agree that women who divorce her husbands because they have testicular cancer should never be married again?
Post Opinion