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Questions: Marriage & Weddings

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Yes why not?
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Where did you get married and where did you go on your honeymoon?

If you're not married just say where you'd like it to happen
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Yes 💍
No 💡
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Do people really still get married in 2024?

I thought that it was a thing of the past.
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Wife refusing intimacy after conception. Help me understand or perceive?

I've been married of over a year and 2 months. My relationship with my wife has been one of the best ever. I thought I had all that i wished for. We had a good understanding of each other, kept getting intimate on a...
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What do you want in a wedding?

While I'd very much enjoy a wedding like this, don't laugh, or I'll laugh 10× harder at what you say. And I tend to laugh out loud a lot, so watch it😈 I'd love to go to my Uncle's ranch, where my cousin was...
Add Opinion 1 5

Do you ever feel like one day you may just "settle"?

I don't know.. I'm pushing 35 now. It's REALLY terrifying. I don't know where all the years have went. I feel like if I met someone who I just liked enough that I might just marry them. Otherwise I could be alone forever..
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Yes, majority of married men are abusive
No, majority of married men are not abusive. These divorces are happening for other reasons
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Can women find their future husbands at Trader Joe's?
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Getting married and having kids might require more efforts but it's worth it and makes life more happy, enjoyable
Kids are definitely a liability, otherwise getting married is quite nice and cheerful thing
Getting married and having kids is THE BEST kind of life one can have
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Add Opinion 16 17

Is my wedding original?

My girlfriend decided that for our wedding I should wear a dress and heels and get a manicure. I should point out that I'm a man.
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Who benefits the most when people get married?

For simplicity let us assume it's the most common ordinary male and female marriage, not same sex marriage or transgender marriage.
For simplicity let us assume it's the most common ordinary male and female marriage, not same sex marriage or transgender marriage. Show More
The man (🙄🙄🙄)
The woman (its *her* day obviously)
Obviously it's those, that make money off from their marriages. It's those lawyers, the government, the businesses catering to people's weddings and ripping them off. Even more so when they get divorced
oh please
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Add Opinion 8 27
Add Opinion 9 19
It would be OK.
It wouldn't be OK.
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