Something That Gets My Blood Boiling

I'm not one to be ill-tempered, I certainly don't have anger issues but one thing that really pisses me off is when I am trying to be nice and help someone but then they are such major FUCKTARDS to me for whatever dumb reason they have. "Oh you're too young to know XYZ.", or "OH you're just a girl what do you know?"

You know in the movies/shows where someone does something nice, but then they get shit for it? Yea. Pisses me off!

Something That Get's My Blood Boiling

Just a few moments ago I answered a question, and on there someone stated they wished they didn't live after attempting suicide 3 years prior. I went on to give advice after asking why [it isn't word for word]:


"My exfiance left me, I don't connect with people anymore, women hate me, I hate myself...
I don't know what you want to hear. I just don't see good in anyone. And the women I do see good in are all taken by great guys."


"Well lets see.

You're only 26: I think you need to cut out the self-pity party and no offense, but grow some fucking balls dude! I understand being suicidal but it seems as if everything is all on YOU. If you don't "connect with people anymore" then you're trying to connect with the wrong damn people! The women you're dating are clearly not the women you SHOULD be dating: seems as if thats your type if thats all they do. You don't see the good in anyone anymore? Who's that on? Certainly not any of us.

That's not anyone else's fault but your own. You've allowed life to kick you while you're down and instead of getting back up and saying "Fuck you" to life, you're laying on the ground like a little bitch.

No offense honey, I'm trying to open your eyes to see what I see. Because from what you've said, I see a guy with potential who doesn't wish to attempt on unleashing it. YOU need to make friends who will be better for you than those who left. By branching out. YOU need to (cont.)

look for women that are different than you usually date. Maybe even sleep around a first! You'll meet a lovely lady who will want to have a serious relationship with you.

It seems to me, you are just turning a blind eye to the good and not doing anything to simply turn your head.

Something That Gets My Blood Boiling

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."

Now I'm sorry if this came off aggressively but please, just TRY. Don't attempt suicide. Stay strong love, I believe in you. <3 "

Him: "You're only 16. You need to stop trying to give advice to people older than you...I know to never take advice from someone that hasn't achieved more in life than you already have."

Now that is a very good example of me being nice to someone-blunt but trying to help- and them being a total meany to me! (Yes I called them a meany because I don't want someone to get offended and report this for being "Antagonistic")

Now that is just one example. It happens occasionally and when it DOES happen, it makes me so mad I want to hit something. I am ALL about people not judging/discriminating due to age or gender etc. But OKAY. If someone offers help and you refuse it, it's on you, not them.

Something That Gets My Blood Boiling

What's something that really gets your blood boiling?

Something That Gets My Blood Boiling
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