In Memory of Satoru Iwata

In memory of Satoru Iwata

Yes I know he died over a year ago but 10 days ago, "DidYouKnowGaming?" did a video talking about all that Satoru Iwata has accomplished. How he was the CEO, Game Developer, but most of all he was a gamer above all. Before watching this video I honestly thought Satoru Iwata looked uptight and too serious. Now that I've watched it, that's changed my opinion completely and at the ending almost brought me to tears. For the people who won't bother watching this video note this. When the WiiU failed he cut his own salary to pay the workers so they wouldn't lose their job. Then right after that he found out about the cancer and it all just kept going down hill from there. Even when all hope seemed lost he still had a smile on his face and thought of everyone else. Words can't describe how truly amazing this gamer was during his life time and I'm happy didyouknowgaming did this for him.

Warning! This video might make you cry at the end!

In Memory of Satoru Iwata
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