Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?


Vampires don't only take place in movies. They also take place in real life and suck your energy. They can be so close to you and even be among one of your loved ones. Here are some kinds of vampires in your lives that you should keep away.

The victim

Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?

They are always unhappy. They always tell you about their troubles and negative things. You try to give advice but it doesn't matter what you say they will always say that it won't work. It doesn't matter what you say, they will ignore and keep talking.

The supervisor

Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?

They know everything. They tell you what to wear, what to do or even how to feel. They act as if you know nothing. They control you.

The talker

Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?

They talk a lot but this talk is not two sided. It is just a monolog. They just talk and don't let you say anything. They make you really tired. They don't aim to talk to you indeed. What they want is just to talk about themselves.

The narcist

Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?

Narcist(n): a more polite term for a self-serving, manipulative, evil asshole with no soul.

The only important thing in their life is themselves. They have no empathy. If you don't do what they want they will punish you.

Real Life Vampires: Which One Do You Have?
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