GirlsAskGuys criticism - Gender double standard

I don't know if the GAG team takes any criticism seriously but I just recently I found out a double standard supported by the GAG team.

Specifically I "simulated" my old self and asked a question, which got removed. However similar questions asked by the opposite sex did not get removed.

In other words this is OK

GirlsAskGuys criticism - Gender double standard

This is not

GirlsAskGuys criticism - Gender double standard

Instead of getting the help that I indirectly asked for I get this disappointment slapped at my account.

So why is it, that it is OK when women ask such questions (feel free to search "i hate men" just on the top bar and see for yourself) but not when I do the same?

With that being said, I do not see this website anymore as I once had before this event and lost a significant amount of respect for it.

I expect this warning type of a short mytake to be also removed and I would not be surprised. Point is, that I did spread the message, that this website - after all - is not so cool.

GAG team! Do take this into account or have fun running yet another gynocentric website while encouraging men to go to MGTOW-based websites to talk there about such topics.

GirlsAskGuys criticism - Gender double standard
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