Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College

I don't really feel I am in any position to give anyone life advice. There have been a few times where I was cooking dinner and it occurred to me that the food wasn't actually cooking. I then realized the burner wasn't on. It took me twenty minutes to realize that. Instead, I will tell you things I learned and hope you benefit from them.

Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College

1. The zit on your cheek doesn't matter. But if you want a good facial cleanser use African Black Soap and shea butter as moisturizer.
2. It won't kill you to skip class once or twice
3. Being popular or not won't define you, because high school does end and no one cares that you were popular or not.
4. Anything worth having won't come easy.

Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College

5. Cherish your free textbooks.
6. Appreciate your teachers.
7. But if you're worried about your grade or have a question, feel free to irritate your teachers if they didn't give you a good answer in class or won't answer your emails. Yes, you might annoy them but it's your grade.
8. Pain is temporary, but GPA is forever.

Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College

9. Wear sweatpants everyday. Or wear nice clothes everyday. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.
10. Learn to study effectively and smarter now. You don't want to be in college and have difficulty with this.

11. Tell more people to fuck off.
12. "Adapt to change and overcome." -My dad says this all the time

Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College

13. Appreciate when someone gets you a practical gift. You will thank them when you're getting ready to move out and start adulting.
14. Kill them with kindness.
15. Yes, college is better. But there are still pros and cons to college.
16. For the majority of people, Prom isn't what it is hyped up to be, you should go anyways.

Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College

17. Don't let your mistakes define you, instead learn from them.
18. Get to know people and not judge them based on what your peers say.
19. Some people just won't like you. Don't let it bother you.
20. This isn't where you peak, because the best four years of your life are yet to come.

Congratulations, Class of 2017! Good luck with this nonsense called, "adulting."

Twenty Things I wish I knew in High School but Learned in College
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