5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

African Helmeted Turtle

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

It's hard not to smile back at this grinning guy, but don't let that goofy smile fool you. This species is omnivorous and will eat just about anything it can get its jaws on. People have even seen groups of these turtles snag and drown birds and other relatively large prey, dragging them to the depths of the pond to dine. They look cute, but they're stone cold killers.

Pig-Nosed Turtle

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

It's not just the nose that makes this turtle species unique. It is also the only freshwater turtle with flippers like sea turtles. It is found in freshwater streams, lagoons and rivers in the Northern Territory of Australia and also on New Guinea. Unfortunately, the species has experienced a population decline of about 50 percent in the last two decades, due mostly to the exotic pet trade. The species is known for its territorial behavior and thus high levels of aggression when in captivity, so captive breeding isn't necessarily an option for most owners. Mainly leaving them alone in the wild is what's needed to protect them from further decline.

Spiny Softshell Turtle

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

This is one of the largest freshwater turtles found in North America, and females can grow a carapace of up to about 45.72 cm (18 inches) long. They are found from Canada to Mexico. They don't reach sexual maturity until around 8-10 years of age, but can live to be more than 50 years old. The species gets its name from the small spines that project from the upper front portion of its carapace, making it look even more like its long lost dinosaur relatives!

Yellow Blotched Map Turtle

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

Yellow blotched map turtle are called so because of the map-like markings on their carapace. This species has a very small range -- it is only located in the Pascagoula River of Mississippi and most of its tributaries. A combination of its small range, as well as a low reproduction success rate due to human disturbance and crow predation, has led to this species being listed as vulnerable to extinction. Sadly, several species of map turtle are also listed as threatened or endangered including the newly discovered Pearl River map turtle.

Leatherback Sea Turtle

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles

The leatherback is the rock star of the sea turtles. This species is the largest of them all, dives the deepest, and travels the farthest. They're also real tough guys, they usually actually fight back and chase away predators like sharks. They may have a face only a mother could love, but in terms of sheer awesomeness, this species has it in spades. Unlike other sea turtles, it doesn't have a shell; instead its back is covered with skin and oily flesh. And yet, like most sea turtle species, the leatherback is endangered and still declining.

5 Strange Breed Of Turtles
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